Front linkage external operation: Yes
Transmission name: CMATIC
ELC: Yes
Rear lower link category: Cat. 3
Rear stabilizer type: Automatic
Number of control units electronic: 6
Mid-mount control units double acting: Yes
PTO rear revolutions (RPM): 540/540e/1000/1000e
Number of front spotlights: 8
Number of rear spotlights: 6
Seat suspension: Yes
Type: Tractor
Engine power (HP): 165
Date of first registration: 2020-08-25T22:00:00.000Z
Front left tyre condition: Satisfactory
Front right tyre condition: Satisfactory
Rear right tyre condition: Satisfactory
Rear left tyre condition: Satisfactory
Front top link: Yes
Free text: 540/65 R28 Michelin, 650/65 R38 Michelin, Frontkraftheber, Frontzapfwelle 4,0to mit Schwingungstilgung, Lageregelung vorne, Aussenbetätigung FHW + Stg. vorne, Cebis Touch mit ISOBUS, Autopilot, GPS S10 Satcor 15 RTK net, Auto Turn, EHR mit Radar und Schlupfregelung, Unterlenkerstabilisatoren automatisch, Hydraulischer Oberlenker, Zugmaul automatisch, Druckluftbremsanlage, Hydrauliksystem Load Sensing 150lt/min, 4+2 Steuergeräte elektrohydraulisch proportional, 2 Steckanschlüsse vorne, LS Anschlüsse hinten, 50kmh, gefederte Vorderachse mit Lamellenbremsen, Parkbremse, Spurverstellringe hinten, Auspuffblende Edelstahl, LED Arbeitsbeleuchtung, Klimaautomatik, mp3 Radio, dynamische Lenkung, 2 LED Rundumleuchten
Number of front control units double acting: 1
Number of control units mid mount: 2
Rear top link: Yes
Rear top link type: Hydraulic
Control units rear double-acting: Yes
Oil return: Yes
Rear hydraulics external operation: Yes
Hitch: Yes
Hitch type: Automatic
Hitch bolt size: 38mm
Front spotlights: Yes
Type of spotlights (front): LED
Rear spotlights: Yes
Type of spotlights (rear): LED
GPS (ready to use): Yes
Number of Engine Cylinders: 4
Engine manufacturer: John Deere DPS
Emission standard: Tier 4 final
A leírás lefordítása
Eredeti kijelző
Belső szám: NWUN4XX
Ez a Claas márkájú Arion 550 típusú gép 2020-ban/ben készült 1882 üzemórát futott és .