APV GK 300 M1

  • APV GK 300 M1
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408
  • 9819-1ad2db58d84e6ca0d73ee45da71860c9-4858408

EUR 15.345
APV GK 300 M1
Combine the work passes (levelling, combing out, seeding, combing in and rolling), as you require.
The operations can be freely combined, e.g. only levelling and rolling or only harrowing and rolling, etc.
- Working with: 3m
- Transport dimensions: H 1,31m / B 3,00 / T 1,82m 
- Mounting Category: KAT 2
- Zakres roboczy: 3m 
- Wymiary transportowe: H 1,31m / B 3,00 / T 1,82m 
- Kategoria montażowa: KAT 2
Interne Nummer: 06013-01307
GK 300 M1

Fricke Used  
Fricke Maszyny Rolnicze Sp. z o.o. ul. Przemysłowa 6.
11-700 - Mrągowo
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