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Sonstige B7
Year of construction:
EUR 4.410,71
incl. VAT 8,1%
4.080,21 excl. VAT 8,1%
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Bazzoli B 6S
Urs Unternährer Landmaschinen
- 6166 Hasle
EUR 787,63
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Sonstige LH24M-94024273-Adjustable boom/Verstellausleger
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige L514-9658040/9607679-Lifting framework/Schaufela
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige Leon 45
Stöckl Maschinencenter
- 6405 Pfaffenhofen/Telfs
EUR 2.690
incl. VAT/ mediation
2.380,53 excl. VAT/ mediation
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Sonstige B6S
Zihlmann Maschinen & Geräte AG
- 6170 Schüpfheim
EUR 210,03
incl. VAT 8,1%
194,29 excl. VAT 8,1%
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Sonstige A900C-9587056-Pin/Bolzen/Pen
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige A924-9949542-Dipperstick/Stiel/Lepelsteel
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige DALLA BONA DB 4800
Working hours:
Wiedemayr Landtechnik GmbH
- 9919 Heinfels/Sillian
EUR 3.300
incl. VAT/ mediation
2.920,35 excl. VAT/ mediation
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Sonstige AZ45-4150503O-Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Giek
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige AZ210E-23106959-Shift lever/Umlenkhebel/Duwstuk
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige W725LS-1231511H94-Dipperstick/Stiel/Lepelsteel
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige 426E AGRI HT - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Gie
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Egyéb Ruppel 400
Year of construction:
Working hours:
EUR 1.564,40
incl. VAT 27%
1.231,81 excl. VAT 27%
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Sonstige 525-67 - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Giek
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige MHL320-Terex 0732142001-5,2m-Monoboom/Monoausleg
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige AZ10 - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Giek
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige MLA627 - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Giek
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige V 80 Speeder - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Gie
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige LH 24 M - Monoboom/Monoausleger/Monoboom
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige A 904 C - Monoboom/Monoausleger/Monoboom
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige V 80 Speeder - Lifting framework/Schaufelarm/Gie
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige A 316 - 3,50 MTR - Dipperstick/Stiel/Lepelsteel
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige A 904 C - 4,50 MTR - Dipperstick/Stiel/Lepelstee
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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Sonstige R 906 LC - 2,70 MTR - Dipperstick/Stiel/Lepelste
Overbeek Bouwmachines BV
- 7472 D Overijssel, Goor
Upon request
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