Talex SPYDER 420

  • Talex SPYDER 420
  • 8393-4a4bd3df38fec6473388bbe13adf05a3-5401589
  • 8393-4a4bd3df38fec6473388bbe13adf05a3-5401589
  • 8393-4a4bd3df38fec6473388bbe13adf05a3-5401589
  • 8393-4a4bd3df38fec6473388bbe13adf05a3-5401589
  • 8393-4a4bd3df38fec6473388bbe13adf05a3-5401589

TRY 227.191
%19 KDV dahil (190.917 %19 KDV hariç)
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neuwertige Ausstellungsmaschine 
Spyder 420 
Baujahr 2022

po polsku -  Wojtek +48 506 170 848

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İç kimlik: 12179
İkinci el Kendi Yükler Römork Talex SPYDER 420 Model (İmal Tarihi) 2022,<%endif> <%if volume%> (ve) haçmi m³ . İkinci el Kendi Yükler Römork fiyatı/ birim fiyatı 5.712 EUR %19 KDV dahil.
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Benjamin Wacker  
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Agrikontor Neuholland GmbH Pappelhof 2
16775 - Löwenberger Land