Universalschaufel Stekro

  • Sonstige Universalschaufel Stekro
  • 3374-5f276ecb77126fe3e2c2e3d4ccb2416e-3506861

TRY 40.939
%20 KDV dahil (34.116 %20 KDV hariç)
Stekro Universalschaufel 1,50m K060 Gewicht 184kg 0,52m VK incl. MWST € 1020,--
Stekro Universalschaufel 2m K062 Gewicht 216kg 0,72m VK incl. MWST € 1242,--
Stekro Schaufel 2,2m K 064 Gewicht 234kg VK incl.MWST € 1344,--
Stekro Schaufel gerundet 2,5m XL K 167 Gewicht650kg 2,25m VK incl. MWST € 3132,--

Translate description
İkinci el Traktörler İçin Diğer Ekipmanı Sonstige Universalschaufel Stekro . <%if equipment%>Ek ekipmanlar (donanımlar):<%equipment%>.
Yeni makinalar
Universalschaufel Stekro
Condition state:
Very good (condition state 1)
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Markus Gollowitsch  
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Address verified
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AgroComTech Hirnsdorf 87
8221 - Hirnsdorf
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