Claas Orbis 750
21% përfshi TVSH
(22.500 përjashtuar 21% TVSH)
== Weitere Informationen (DE) ==
Verwendbares Material: Mais
Garantie: No Warranty
== Flere oplysninger (DK) ==
Gældende materiale: Korn
Garanti: No Warranty
== More details (EN) ==
= Additional options and accessories =
- Amount of rows (10; 10)
- Cutting knives (3; 3)
= Remarks =
For sale 2013 Claas Orbis 750 10 row corn header. This header has been inspected. The inspection report can be downloaded from our website.
= More information =
Applicable material: Corn
Warranty: No Warranty
== Información adicional (ES) ==
Material de aplicación: Maíz
Garantía: No Warranty
== Informations supplémentaires (FR) ==
Matériel d'application: Maïs
Garantie: No Warranty
== Overige details (NL) ==
Toepassingsmateriaal: Mais
Garantie: No Warranty
== Dodatkowy opis (PL) ==
Zastosowany materiał: Kukurydza
Gwarancja: No Warranty
== Informação adicional (PT) ==
Material aplicável: Milho
Garantia: No Warranty
== Дополнительная информация (RU) ==
Используемый материал: Кукуруза
Гарантия: No Warranty
Verwendbares Material: Mais
Garantie: No Warranty
== Flere oplysninger (DK) ==
Gældende materiale: Korn
Garanti: No Warranty
== More details (EN) ==
= Additional options and accessories =
- Amount of rows (10; 10)
- Cutting knives (3; 3)
= Remarks =
For sale 2013 Claas Orbis 750 10 row corn header. This header has been inspected. The inspection report can be downloaded from our website.
= More information =
Applicable material: Corn
Warranty: No Warranty
== Información adicional (ES) ==
Material de aplicación: Maíz
Garantía: No Warranty
== Informations supplémentaires (FR) ==
Matériel d'application: Maïs
Garantie: No Warranty
== Overige details (NL) ==
Toepassingsmateriaal: Mais
Garantie: No Warranty
== Dodatkowy opis (PL) ==
Zastosowany materiał: Kukurydza
Gwarancja: No Warranty
== Informação adicional (PT) ==
Material aplicável: Milho
Garantia: No Warranty
== Дополнительная информация (RU) ==
Используемый материал: Кукуруза
Гарантия: No Warranty
Përkthe përshkrimin
Trego origjinalin
Makina të përdorura
Orbis 750
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Industriestraat 23
5961 P - Limburg, Horst,
5961 P - Limburg, Horst,
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