Cena vključuje DDV (19%)
(94.525,21 Cena brez DDV)
Geschwindigkeit: 50,
Getriebebezeichnung: Hexashift 24/24, Power,
GPS System (Empfänger),
540/65 R30 Michelin MultiBib / fixed rim, 650/65 R42 Trelleborg TM800 / fixed rim, CLAAS front linkage t, External front linkage operation, CIS+ control terminal colour display, 24/24-gear HEXASHIFT, HEXACTIV automatic, 2 engine-speed memories, ISOBUS-ready, EGNOS/E-DIF correction signal, CLAAS communication module (3G), TELEMATICS ready, S7 GPS terminal, CLAAS navigation controller, Lower link stabilisers automatic, Pick-up hitch hydraulic push out, Air brakes, LS hydraulics 110 l/min, 4 spool valves elec, Power Beyond, Transmission 50 km/h, PROACTIV front axle suspension, Parking brake on REVERSHIFT lever, SMART STOP, 235 hp max. ECE R 120, Battery master switch, Air compressor, 4-point suspension, Electric mirrors with wide-angle mirror, Lateral mudguard extensions, Terminal bar right, Removable storage box, Additional interface sockets, 2 high-level headlights, Halogen work lights: 6x roof front 6x roof rear, 2x front, 2x rear, 2x steps, 2x bonnet, CIS+, Comfort seat semi-active suspension heated swiveling, Passenger seat with safety belt, Air conditioning, 2x beacons, GPS PILOT READY, Very nice low houred tractor from a good home (front weight not included)
Getriebebezeichnung: Hexashift 24/24, Power,
GPS System (Empfänger),
540/65 R30 Michelin MultiBib / fixed rim, 650/65 R42 Trelleborg TM800 / fixed rim, CLAAS front linkage t, External front linkage operation, CIS+ control terminal colour display, 24/24-gear HEXASHIFT, HEXACTIV automatic, 2 engine-speed memories, ISOBUS-ready, EGNOS/E-DIF correction signal, CLAAS communication module (3G), TELEMATICS ready, S7 GPS terminal, CLAAS navigation controller, Lower link stabilisers automatic, Pick-up hitch hydraulic push out, Air brakes, LS hydraulics 110 l/min, 4 spool valves elec, Power Beyond, Transmission 50 km/h, PROACTIV front axle suspension, Parking brake on REVERSHIFT lever, SMART STOP, 235 hp max. ECE R 120, Battery master switch, Air compressor, 4-point suspension, Electric mirrors with wide-angle mirror, Lateral mudguard extensions, Terminal bar right, Removable storage box, Additional interface sockets, 2 high-level headlights, Halogen work lights: 6x roof front 6x roof rear, 2x front, 2x rear, 2x steps, 2x bonnet, CIS+, Comfort seat semi-active suspension heated swiveling, Passenger seat with safety belt, Air conditioning, 2x beacons, GPS PILOT READY, Very nice low houred tractor from a good home (front weight not included)
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Rabljeni standardni traktor CLAAS AXION 830 leto izdelave 2019 ima moč od 238 KM (175 kW) KM (Konjske Moči) ima 2600 delovnih ur .
Rabljeni standardni traktor ima ceno od 112.485 EUR Cena vključuje DDV (19%) .
Dodatna oprema: zračne zavore, čelna hidravlika, vzmetena prednja os, .
rabljeni stroji
238 KM / 175 kW
delovne ure:
2600 h
Pnevmatike spredaj
540/65 r36
Pnevmatike zadaj
650/65 r42
Krmilne naprave DW
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Shrani v seznam za pomnenje
zračne zavore
čelna hidravlika
vzmetena prednja os
največja hitrost v km/h: 50
Sören Lüdtke-Hollm
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Kleine Reichenstraße 1
20457 - Hamburg
20457 - Hamburg
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