Allround Vegetable Processing 275-90

  • Sonstige Allround Vegetable Processing 275-90
  • 8635-01dde806e7e0d6ac19174a6518e81de4-2967427
  • 8635-01dde806e7e0d6ac19174a6518e81de4-2967427
  • 8635-01dde806e7e0d6ac19174a6518e81de4-2967427

== Weitere Informationen (DE) ==

Allround Trommelwaschmaschine

- Die Trommel ist 275 x 90 ø cm
- Trommel mit Regulierbare Geschwindigkeit
- Elevator mit fester Geschwindigkeit 260 x 60 cm

Allround Trommelwaschanlage für Karotten, Kartoffeln, usw.
Kapazität (Tonnen / Stunde)Liechter BodenSchwerer BodenKarotten3 - 3.52.5Babykarotten32Kartoffeln7 - 105 - 7SteckrübePastinaken32Knollensellerie3 - 3.52.5 - 3Rote Beete3 - 3.52.5

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- Seit 40 Jahren zuverlässiger Händler von gebrauchten Landwirtschafts- und Gartenbaumaschinen
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Duijndam Machines
Der Spezialist in Gebrauchtmaschinen für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau

= Weitere Informationen =

Allgemeiner Zustand: sehr gut

== Flere oplysninger (DK) ==

Overordnet stand: meget god

== More details (EN) ==

Allround drum washing machine with elevator for carrots, bulbs and potatoes
The washing drum of the machine is designed to agitate products in the machine. In combination with water, this process gives an optimal cleaning result.

- The drum is 275 x 90 ø cm
- Adjustable speed of the drum
- Elevator with fixed speed 260 x 60 cm

The capacity depends on the product, the type of soil and how dirty the product is.
See the diagram for the capacity per product and type of soil.
Capacity (Tons / Hour)Light SoilHeavy SoilCarrots3 - 3.52.5Baby carrots32Potatoes7 - 105 - 7SwedesParsnips32Celery3 - 3.52.5 - 3Red Beet3 - 3.52.5

More information or a quote? Do this quick and easily via the Duijndam Machines website! You can also give us a call.

See all the available machines at our website.

- Since 1977 supplier of reliable used agricultural and horticultural equipment
- Machines are checked for delivery
- Experienced team
- We can help you with getting the machine to your company

Duijndam Machines
The specialist in used agriculture and horticulture machinery

= More information =

General condition: very good

== Información adicional (ES) ==

Lavadora de tambor todoterreno con elevador para zanahorias, bulbos y patatas El tambor de lavado de la máquina está diseñado para agitar los productos en la máquina. En combinación con agua, este proceso da un resultado de limpieza óptimo.

- El tambor mide 275 x 90 ø cm
- Velocidad ajustable del tambor
- Ascensor con velocidad fija 260 x 60 cm

La capacidad depende del producto, del tipo de suelo y de la suciedad del producto. Consulte el diagrama para conocer la capacidad por producto y tipo de suelo. Capacidad (toneladas / hora) Suelo liviano Suelo pesado Zanahorias 3 - 3,5 2,5 Zanahorias bebe 3 2 Patatas 7 - 10 5 - 7 Suecos Chirivías 3 2 Apio 3 - 3,5 2,5 - 3 Remolacha roja 3 - 3,5 2,5

= Más información =

Estado general: muy bueno

== Informations supplémentaires (FR) ==

Machine à laver à tambour polyvalente avec élévateur pour carottes, bulbes et pommes de terre Le tambour de lavage de la machine est conçu pour agiter les produits dans la machine. En combinaison avec de l'eau, ce processus donne un résultat de nettoyage optimal.

- Le tambour mesure 275 x 90 ø cm
- Vitesse réglable du tambour
- Ascenseur à vitesse fixe 260 x 60 cm

La capacité dépend du produit, du type de sol et de la saleté du produit. Voir le diagramme pour la capacité par produit et type de sol. Capacité (Tonnes / Heure) Sol léger Sol lourd Carottes 3 - 3,5 2.5 Petites carottes 3 2 Pommes de terre 7 - 10 5 - 7 Suédois Panais 3 2 Céleri 3 - 3,5 2,5 - 3 Betterave rouge 3 - 3,5 2.5

Plus d'informations ou un devis complet? Faites-le rapidement et facilement sur le site Web de Duijndam Machines! Vous pouvez également appeler.

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- Fournisseur de machines agricoles et horticoles d'occasion fiables depuis 40 ans
- Les machines sont vérifiées avant la livraison
- Personnel expert
- Nous pouvons vous aider avec le transport

Duijndam Machines
Le spécialiste des machines agricoles et horticoles d'occasion

= Plus d'informations =

État général: très bon

== Részletes információk (HU) ==

Allround drum washing machine with elevator for carrots, bulbs and potatoes
The washing drum of the machine is designed to agitate products in the machine. In combination with water, this process gives an optimal cleaning result.

- The drum is 275 x 90 ø cm
- Adjustable speed of the drum
- Elevator with fixed speed 260 x 60 cm

The capacity depends on the product, the type of soil and how dirty the product is.
See the diagram for the capacity per product and type of soil.
Capacity (Tons / Hour)Light SoilHeavy SoilCarrots3 - 3.52.5Baby carrots32Potatoes7 - 105 - 7SwedesParsnips32Celery3 - 3.52.5 - 3Red Beet3 - 3.52.5

== Ulteriori informazioni (IT) ==

Lavatrice multifunzione a tamburo con elevatore per carote, bulbi e patate Il cestello di lavaggio della macchina è progettato per agitare i prodotti nella macchina. In combinazione con l'acqua, questo processo fornisce un risultato di pulizia ottimale.

- Il tamburo misura 275 x 90 ø cm
- Velocità del tamburo regolabile
- Elevatore a velocità fissa 260 x 60 cm

La capacità dipende dal prodotto, dal tipo di terreno e da quanto è sporco il prodotto. Vedere il diagramma per la capacità per prodotto e tipo di terreno. Capacità (tonnellate / ora) Terreno leggero Terreno pesante Carote 3 - 3,5 2,5 Carotine 3 2 Patate 7 - 10 5 - 7 svedesi pastinaca 3 2 Sedano 3 - 3,5 2,5 - 3 Barbabietola rossa 3 - 3,5 2,5

== Overige details (NL) ==

Allround trommelwasser met elevator

- De trommel is 275 x 90 ø cm
- Trommel is regelbaar in snelheid
- Elevator met vaste snelheid 260 x 60 cm

Trommelwasmachine voor wortelen, aardappels, bloembollen, rode bieten, pastinaken, ect.
Capaciteit (Ton / Uur)Lichte grondZware grondWortels3 - 3.52.5Baby wortels32Aardappels7 - 105 - 7KoolrapenPastinaken32Knolselderij3 - 3.52.5 - 3Rode bieten3 - 3.52.5

Meer informatie of een volledige offerte? Doe dit makkelijk en snel via de website van Duijndam Machines! Bellen kan natuurlijk ook.

Zie het volledige aanbod aan betrouwbare gebruikte machines op onze website.

- Al 40 jaar leverancier van betrouwbare gebruikte land- en tuinbouwmachines
- Machines worden voor aflevering gecontroleerd
- Deskundig personeel
- Wij kunnen u assisteren met transport

Duijndam Machines
De specialist in gebruikte land- en tuinbouwmachines

= Meer informatie =

Algemene staat: zeer goed

== Dodatkowy opis (PL) ==

Allround drum washing machine with elevator for carrots, bulbs and potatoes
The washing drum of the machine is designed to agitate products in the machine. In combination with water, this process gives an optimal cleaning result.

- The drum is 275 x 90 ø cm
- Adjustable speed of the drum
- Elevator with fixed speed 260 x 60 cm

The capacity depends on the product, the type of soil and how dirty the product is.
See the diagram for the capacity per product and type of soil.
Capacity (Tons / Hour)Light SoilHeavy SoilCarrots3 - 3.52.5Baby carrots32Potatoes7 - 105 - 7SwedesParsnips32Celery3 - 3.52.5 - 3Red Beet3 - 3.52.5

= Więcej informacji =

Stan ogólny: bardzo dobrze

== Informação adicional (PT) ==

Máquina de lavar de tambor multifunções com elevador para cenouras, bolbos e batatas O tambor de lavagem da máquina é projetado para agitar os produtos na máquina. Em combinação com água, este processo oferece um ótimo resultado de limpeza.

- O tambor tem 275 x 90 ø cm
- Velocidade ajustável do tambor
- Elevador com velocidade fixa 260 x 60 cm

A capacidade depende do produto, do tipo de sujidade e da sujidade do produto. Veja o diagrama para a capacidade por produto e tipo de solo. Capacidade (toneladas / hora) Solo leve Solo pesado Cen

Przetłumacz opis
Numer wewnętrzny: 1537211129
Maszyna używana
Allround Vegetable Processing 275-90

Duijndam Machines Tweede Tochtweg 127
2913 L - Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel
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Pokaż numer telefonu GmbH, your marketplace, Rechbauerstraße 4/1/4, A-8010 Graz
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