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AB Group Inter-row cultivator foldable 7/Hackmaschi

EUR 8.413,--
inkl. 23 % MwSt.

(EUR 6.840 exkl. 23 % MwSt.)

AB Group Anita Bołtryk
Stoleczna 7/114
15-879 - Bialystok
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  • Type:
  • Group Inter-row cultivator foldable 7/Hackmaschi
  • Baujahr:
  • 2024

Informatie in het Nederlands:

Type: Cultivator
Ledig gewicht: 900 kg

Informationen auf Deutsch:

Typ: Kultivator
Leergewicht: 900 kg

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Informacje po polsku:

Typ: Kultywator
Własna masa pojazdu: 900 kg

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Information in English:

Type: Cultivator
Empty weight: 900 kg

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Informations en Français:

Modèle: Cultivateur
Poids à vide: 900 kg

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Informazioni in italiano:

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Informações em Português:

Tipo: Cultivador
Peso vazio: 900 kg

Información en español:

Tipo: Cultivador
Peso en vacío: 900 kg

Interrow cultivator ACM-K7 - Hydraulic foldable - Row spacing 70-75 cm - Transport width 300 cm - Plate for plant protection - Finger krest :5 full and 2 halves: 5 full and 2 half - Weight 900 kg - 5 full sections and 2 halves *EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT TO BE PAID (with valid VAT EU number), TRANSPORT WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions

Information på dansk:

Type: Fræser
Egenvægt: 900 kg
Interne Nummer: 203822-7052496
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Weitere Angebote dieses Händlers
EUR 147.500,--
EUR 7.021,--