Güllemixer MŁH 6000 / Slurry mixer / mikser do g

  • Sonstige Güllemixer MŁH 6000 / Slurry mixer / mikser do g
  • 8161-edf97d3bb186a1ad6b0b1d2332160166-5389908
  • 8161-edf97d3bb186a1ad6b0b1d2332160166-5389908
  • 8161-edf97d3bb186a1ad6b0b1d2332160166-5389908
  • 8161-edf97d3bb186a1ad6b0b1d2332160166-5389908
  • 8161-edf97d3bb186a1ad6b0b1d2332160166-5389908

EUR 3.822
TTC (TVA incluse 23%) (3.108 HT (hors TVA 23%))
Mixer MŁH 6000

- hydraulischer Antrieb
- drehbares Arbeitsteil
- universell
- robuste Konstruktion, feuerverzinkt

Anpassung der Länge und des Durchmessers an die Kundenbedürfnisse

Mixer MŁH 6000
- mounted on the agricultural tractor loader or loader arm
- rotating working part
- universal, in principle, they can be applied to any reservoir and lagoon
- solid and strong construction, hot-dip galvanized
- the possibility of adapting the mount to each loader

Possibility to adjust the length and diameter of the mixer to the customer needs.

General conditions:
- we are able to offer transport at a good price,
- in case of export, if you have valid EU-VAT number you pay only the net price, Net prices also apply to customers outside the European Union.

Mieszadło MŁH 6000

- obrotowa część robocza
- solidna i mocna konstrukcja, cynkowana ogniowo
- możliwość dostosowania mocowania na każdą ładowarkę

Możliwość dopasowania długości i średnicy mieszadła do potrzeb klienta

Traduire la description
Numéro interne: 262087-8187544
Le mixeur à lisier Sonstige Güllemixer MŁH 6000 / Slurry mixer / mikser do g d’occasion (neuf s’il y a la designation “N” ou “Machine nouvelle”) . . Le mixeur à lisier Sonstige Güllemixer MŁH 6000 / Slurry mixer / mikser do g coûte 15.990 PLN TTC (TVA incluse 23%) (si en étranger: frais de transport, expédition et coutumes en plus).
Machine/ matériel neuf
Güllemixer MŁH 6000 / Slurry mixer / mikser do g
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Zbigniew Jablonski      
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