John Deere 732 i

  • John Deere 732 i
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308
  • 6372-95885ac807f7a01004114a0f46149a27-5240308

EUR 36.030
TTC (TVA incluse 19%) (30.277,31 HT (hors TVA 19%))
Geschwindigkeit: 20
După descrierea engleză găsiți descrierea în limba maghiară și în limba română.;Dacă aveți nevoie de informații în limba română, vă rog să-l contactați pe colegul meu Gabor Somorjai pentru datele de contact ale lui Attila Retty.;;Specification:;Year: 2012;Total hectares sprayed: ;Fresh water tank for complete internal cleaning: 400 l;Nozzle distance: 50 cm;Calibration tank: 2 l;Mixing tank: 3200 l;Frame width: 24 m;Hand washing tank: 20 l;Chemical mixing tank: 25 l;Operating speed: 4-20 km/h;Working height: m;Spray pump delivery capacity: 280 l /min;PTO request: 540/540E;;Tires, axle, towing:;300/95R46 BKT tyres;Adjustable track;Spring suspension bridge (maintenance-free polyurethane axle suspension absorbs heavy shocks, so the sprayer can travel comfortably in the field and on the road);Normal trailer hitch;;;Boom design:;Tiltable frame;Nozzle distance: 50 cm;Total frame size: 24 m;Spreader frame with horizontal and vertical damping and side-swing limiting pendulum (anti-fan);;Electric system:;Automatic phasing (Swath Control) with 6 phases;Automatic flow and pressure control sensor;ISOBUS control (communicates with tractor factory monitor);Road lighting installation;Joystick multi;;Other:;Filling tube;PTO;Ladder;Mechanical supporting legs;With mudguards;With storage compartment;From a Hungarian owner in very good, working condition!;;The description is for information only. We reserve the right to make changes, errors and omissions. This advertisement does not constitute an offer.;;Specifikáció:;Gyártási év: 2012;Összes permetezett hektár: ;Frissvíztartály a teljes belső tisztításhoz: 400 liter;Fúvóka távolság: 50 cm;Kalibrációs tartály: 2 liter;Keverék tartály: 3200 liter;Keret szélesség: 24 méter;Kézmosótartály: 20 liter;Vegyszerbekeverő tartály: 25 liter;Üzemi sebesség: 4-20 km/h;Munkamagasság: 0,3-2,5 méter ;Permetező szivattyú szállítási teljesítménye: 280 liter / perc;Szivattyú kardán igény: 540/540E;;Kerekek, tengely, vontatás:;300/95R46

Traduire la description
Numéro interne: 46618-PFHCGYT
Le pulvérisateur agricole John Deere 732 i d’occasion (neuf s’il y a la designation “N” ou “Machine nouvelle”) . Le pulvérisateur agricole John Deere 732 i - année de construction 2012. . Le pulvérisateur agricole John Deere 732 i a la largeur de 79 cm. Le pulvérisateur agricole John Deere 732 i a le volume/ capacité de 3 l/m³. Le pulvérisateur agricole John Deere 732 i coûte 36.030 EUR TTC (TVA incluse 19%) (si en étranger: frais de transport, expédition et coutumes en plus).
Machine/ matériel d'occasion
732 i
Largeur de travail:
79 cm
Volume/ capacité (m3/l):
3 m³
Capacité (l):
3 l
Année de construction:

Emplacement différent de la machine
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Sören Lüdtke-Hollm    
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