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Kategorie: forestry-and-wood-processing-equipment - Logging/ forestry trailers - Germany
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Brake: Pneumatic (air) brake system, speed (km/h): 40 km/h, number of axes: tridem, Hitch-type coupling, 360 degree rotator, own oil supply, funk, ...
Brake: Pneumatic (air) brake system, Pairs of stanchions: 4 pairs of stanchions, speed (km/h): 40 km/h, number of axes: tandem, Hitch-type coupling, 360 degree rotator, own oil supply, chainsaw holder, ...
Frame: Double-frame trailer, Brake: Pneumatic (air) brake system, Pairs of stanchions: 4 pairs of stanchions, speed (km/h): 40 km/h, number of axes: tandem, Hitch-type coupling, 360 degree rotator, own oil supply, ...
Frame: Central frame for trailer, ...