Rabe Rába Condor 6, 5, 4 fejes ágyeke

  • Rabe Rába Condor 6, 5, 4 fejes ágyeke
  • 4080-aa4e2ee6ad627626763248a1b4b47743-956492
  • 4080-aa4e2ee6ad627626763248a1b4b47743-956492
  • 4080-aa4e2ee6ad627626763248a1b4b47743-956492

Rába Condor 4 and 5-headed rafters, 6-inch flatbed beds, in excellent condition, very good wearing parts and lighting.
Used machine
Rába Condor 6, 5, 4 fejes ágyeke
Year of construction:
Chassis/ running gear
Disc coulter
Construction type: Bed plough
Number of furrows: 5 and more furrow plough

János István Szögi  
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6787 - Zákányszék
Landwirt.com GmbH, your marketplace, Rechbauerstraße 4/1/4, A-8010 Graz
Tutte le informazioni sono fornite senza garanzia - Errori di stampa e tipografici esclusi. marktplatz@landwirt.com