NEW RotoGrind Traktor PTO or elekromotor driven

Roto Grind is a versatile tub grinder enable to grind straw, hay, wood, miscathus and other bio-energy corps, baled or lose, wet or dry.

ROTO GRIND utilizes a unique shear plate system in conjunction with long heavy hammers to produce a simple machine. Fineness of grind can be controlled with the shear plates. With ROTO GRINDs grinding method, very few moving parts are required and the machine has no belt, chain or gear box drives to wear out. Fewer moving parts mean less upkeep, maintenance and running costs.

The Roto Grind is available in three version :
1. Traktor version - PTO driven
2. Electric version – driven by a 55 kw to 160 kw electric motor
3. Electric version with a build in sieve - driven by a electric motor this version is enable to grind a material to a cca 5 mm fraction (ready for pelletizing without a need of an additional hammer mill)

We have many refferences of the electric version of the Roto Gind in Slovakia, Poland and in the Czeh Republic in straw pellet plants.

For more information or by any question please contact us

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Internal ID: 152554-1551112
New machine
NEW RotoGrind Traktor PTO or elekromotor driven
Year of construction:
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Karol Kecskes      
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