Woprol opryskiwacz sadowniczy ciągniony S1000, 1000 l

  • Woprol opryskiwacz sadowniczy ciągniony S1000, 1000 l
  • 7471-a7c1af59badd304cec3e9148b4121287-4216269
  • 7471-a7c1af59badd304cec3e9148b4121287-4216269
  • 7471-a7c1af59badd304cec3e9148b4121287-4216269
  • 7471-a7c1af59badd304cec3e9148b4121287-4216269

EUR 7.794,51
incl. VAT 23% (6.337 excl. VAT 23%)
Informationen auf Deutsch:

Woprol Obstbauspritze S1000, 1000 l - Kapazität 1000 l - Arbeitsbreite 8 m - Arbeitshöhe : 5 m - Lieferung der Pumpe 125 l/min. Standardausrüstung:- Handwaschtank- Einspülschleuse in der Einfüllvorrichtung- Italienischer FIENI 2-Stufen-Ventilator (fi 900)- ARAG 2-teiliges Konstantdruckregelventil- Verzinkter Rahmen- Stützfuß-11,5 x 15,3 Räder- Straßenbeleuchtung- Messingkopf (2 Bögen je von 7 Stück)Andere Kapazitäten verfügbar.  Das Angebot gilt solange der Vorrat reicht.Bei Export ist nur der Nettopreis zu bezahlen (unter Angabe der gültigen USt.-ID Nummer).Wir organisieren gerne Transport für Sie.

Informacje po polsku:

Woprol opryskiwacz sadowniczy ciągniony S1000, 1000 l- pojemność zbiornika: 1000 l - szerokość robocza 8m - wysokość robocza 5m - wydajność pompy: 125 l/min Wyposażenie standardowe- Zbiornik do mycia rąk- Zbiornik do przepłukania układ- Rozwadniacz górny – we wlewie- Przystawka wentylatorowa Włoska FIENI 2-biegowa (fi 900) - Zawór sterujący stałociśnieniowy 2 sekcyjny ARAG- Rama ocynkowana- Stopa podporowa- Koła 11,5 x 15,3- Oświetlenie drogowe- Głowica mosiężna (2 łuki po 7 sztuk) Dostępne inne pojemności. Oferta ważna do wyczerpania zapasów. Podana cena jest ceną netto.

Information in English:

Woprol  orchard sprayer S1000, 1000 l  - capacity: 1000 l - working width 8 m - working height: 5 m - pump capacity: 125 l/min  Standard equipment- Hand wash tank- Induction sluice in the filling opening- Italian FIENI 2-speed fan (fi 900)- ARAG 2-part constant pressure control valve- Galvanized frame- Support foot- 11.5x15.3 wheels- Street lighting- brass head (2 lines, each of 7 pieces)Other capacities available. * EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT NEED TO PAID (with valid EU- VAT number ), TRANSPORTATION WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions. Offer valid while stocks last.

Informations en Français:

Woprol  orchard sprayer S1000, 1000 l  - capacity: 1000 l - working width 8 m - working height: 5 m - pump capacity: 125 l/min  Standard equipment- Hand wash tank- Induction sluice in the filling opening- Italian FIENI 2-speed fan (fi 900)- ARAG 2-part constant pressure control valve- Galvanized frame- Support foot- 11.5x15.3 wheels- Street lighting- brass head (2 lines, each of 7 pieces)Other capacities available. * EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT NEED TO PAID (with valid EU- VAT number ), TRANSPORTATION WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions. Offer valid while stocks last.

Informazioni in italiano:

Woprol  orchard sprayer S1000, 1000 l  - capacity: 1000 l - working width 8 m - working height: 5 m - pump capacity: 125 l/min  Standard equipment- Hand wash tank- Induction sluice in the filling opening- Italian FIENI 2-speed fan (fi 900)- ARAG 2-part constant pressure control valve- Galvanized frame- Support foot- 11.5x15.3 wheels- Street lighting- brass head (2 lines, each of 7 pieces)Other capacities available. * EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT NEED TO PAID (with valid EU- VAT number ), TRANSPORTATION WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions. Offer valid while stocks last.

Información en español:

Woprol  orchard sprayer S1000, 1000 l  - capacity: 1000 l - working width 8 m - working height: 5 m - pump capacity: 125 l/min  Standard equipment- Hand wash tank- Induction sluice in the filling opening- Italian FIENI 2-speed fan (fi 900)- ARAG 2-part constant pressure control valve- Galvanized frame- Support foot- 11.5x15.3 wheels- Street lighting- brass head (2 lines, each of 7 pieces)Other capacities available. * EXPORT: ONLY THE NET AMOUNT NEED TO PAID (with valid EU- VAT number ), TRANSPORTATION WORLDWIDE POSSIBLE at good conditions. Offer valid while stocks last.

Translate description
Internal ID: 203822-7043486
Used machine
opryskiwacz sadowniczy ciągniony S1000, 1000 l
Year of construction:

(english, polski)  
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