Deutz-Fahr 5105 G TB
Auch mit Lochmann Kabine Lieferbar
Bauhöhe 2,28m
Bauhöhe 2,28m
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The tractor Deutz-Fahr 5105 G TB from Dorn GmbH is for sale at!
This agricultural tractor Deutz-Fahr 5105 G TB has following equipment: Creep speed, Platform Cabin, Drive All-wheel drive, PTO shaft speed (rpm) 540/540E/1000/1000E
This tractor has the power of 105 hp (78 kW) HP (Horse Power).
The used agricultural tractor Deutz-Fahr 5105 G TB has 5 working hours.
It has the construction year of 2023.
New machine
5105 G TB
105 hp / 78 kW
Working hours:
5 h
Year of construction:
Control units – EW (total)
Control units - DW (total)
PDF specifications
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Creep speed
Platform: Cabin
Drive: All-wheel drive
PTO shaft speed (rpm): 540/540E/1000/1000E
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