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Müthing Mulcher MU-C 160 Hydro für IBEX-Mäher
Müthing Mulcher MU-C 160 Hydro for IBEX mowers
- V-belt protection with inspection opening
- M-carbide shackle knife
- Smooth-running rotor with specially shaped, spirally arranged tool holders
- screwable short chopping bar "shark fin" - Müthing patent
- Large support roller for adjusting the working height of the mulcher
- Hardox wear runners, screwable
- Highly tempered pendulum protection flaps made of spring steel
- Wear insert
- including leak oil line
- including plate for pressure compensation
- IBEX headstock
The sales team at Mühlbacher Maschinen will be happy to show you the mulcher and ask you to make an appointment for a viewing at our company.
Also visit our 1,500m² exhibition hall!
- V-belt protection with inspection opening
- M-carbide shackle knife
- Smooth-running rotor with specially shaped, spirally arranged tool holders
- screwable short chopping bar "shark fin" - Müthing patent
- Large support roller for adjusting the working height of the mulcher
- Hardox wear runners, screwable
- Highly tempered pendulum protection flaps made of spring steel
- Wear insert
- including leak oil line
- including plate for pressure compensation
- IBEX headstock
The sales team at Mühlbacher Maschinen will be happy to show you the mulcher and ask you to make an appointment for a viewing at our company.
Also visit our 1,500m² exhibition hall!
Müthing Mulcher MU-C 160 Hydro für IBEX Mäher
- Keilriemenschutz mit Kontrollöffnung
- M-Hartmetall Schäkelmesser
- Laufruhiger Rotor mit speziell geformten, spiralförmig angeordneten Werkzeughaltern
- schraubbare Kurzhäckselleiste "Haifischflosse" - Müthing Patent
- große Stützwalze zur Arbeitshöheneinstellung des Mulchgeräts
- Hardox-Verschleißkufen, schraubbar
- hochvergütete Pendelschutzklappen aus Federstahl
- Verschleißeinlage
- inklusive Leckölleitung
- inklusive Platte für Druckausgleich
- IBEX-Anbaubock
Das Verkaufsteam der Firma Mühlbacher Maschinen zeigt Ihnen den Mulcher gerne und bittet um Terminabsprache für eine Besichtigung bei uns im Betrieb.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere 1.500m² große Ausstellungshalle!
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New machine
Mulcher MU-C 160 Hydro für IBEX-Mäher
Working width:
160 cm
Condition state:
Very good (condition state 1)
PDF specifications
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freewheel in gearbox
Type of hammer: Pruning hammer
Roland Mühlbacher
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Mühlbacher Maschinen GmbH
Litzelsdorf 223
5580 - Tamsweg
5580 - Tamsweg Auszeichnung

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