Cormidi C85
CORMIDI Dumper C85
with diesel engine, electric starter, reinforced battery, battery switch under the hood,
soundproof bonnet with lock, reinforced stone trough with rounded corners,
Self-loading shovel with pivoting shovel, mech. parking brake, foldable driver platform,
Hydrostatic transmission with closed circuit, hydraulic working circuit: 16.5 lt/min, oil cooler with electr. Fan,
Double pendulum rollers with grease nipples on all axes, safety and handrails,
Price on request!
with diesel engine, electric starter, reinforced battery, battery switch under the hood,
soundproof bonnet with lock, reinforced stone trough with rounded corners,
Self-loading shovel with pivoting shovel, mech. parking brake, foldable driver platform,
Hydrostatic transmission with closed circuit, hydraulic working circuit: 16.5 lt/min, oil cooler with electr. Fan,
Double pendulum rollers with grease nipples on all axes, safety and handrails,
Price on request!
CORMIDI Dumper C85
mit Dieselmotor, Elektrostarter, verstärkte Batterie, Batterieschalter unter der Motorhaube,
schallisolierte Motorhaube mit Schloss, verstärkte Steinmulde mit abgerundeten Ecken,
Selbstladeschaufel mit schwenkbarer Schaufel, mech. Parkbremse, klappbare Fahrer Standplattform,
Hydrostatisches Getriebe mit geschlossenem Kreislauf, Hydraulik Arbeits Kreis : 16,5 lt/ min, Ölkühler mit elektr. Lüfter,
Doppelpendeltragrollen mit Schmiernippel in allen Achsen, Sicherheits-und Haltestangen,
Preis auf Anfrage!
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New machine
Year of construction:
Condition state:
Very good (condition state 1)
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Franz Haidn
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Franztech Mechatronik GmbH
Hieflauerstraße 24
8790 - Eisenerz
8790 - Eisenerz
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