Used machines ...
Deutz F1L 712
Deutz F1L 712 / 1U veteran compact tractor, 1958, 13Le, 850cm3 4-stroke, 1-cylinder air-cooled engine, 830kg unladen weight, 4.00-16 at the front, 7-30 wheels at the rear, 3 group transmissions, 2-20km / h speed range , with differential lock, 16l / minute hydraulic pump, trailer with towbar, stored under roof, in excellent condition for sale. Video: [URL removed]
Deutz F1L 712 / 1U veterán kistraktor, 1958, 13Le, 850cm3-es 4 ütemű, 1 hengeres léghűtéses motorral, 830kg önsúllyal, elől 4,00-16, hátul 7-30 kerekeken, 3 csoportos váltóval, 2-20km/h-s sebesség tartománnyal, differenciál zárral, 16l/perces hidraulika szivattyúval, pótkocsi vonófejjel, tető alatt tárolt, kitűnő állapotban eladó. Videó: [URL removed]
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The used vintage tractor Deutz F1L 712 (new if there is the mark “N” or “New machine”) is for sale at!
This vintage tractor has the power of 13 hp (10 kW) HP (Horse Power).
It has the construction year of 1958.
This vintage tractor Deutz F1L 712 has following equipment: Drive Rear-wheel drive, PTO shaft speed (rpm) 540, Top speed in km/h 25 km/h
Used machine
F1L 712
13 hp / 10 kW
Year of construction:
Condition state:
Good (condition state 2)
Front tire specifications
Rear tire specifications
Front tire tread depth (%)
Rear tire tread depth (%)
PDF specifications
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Drive: Rear-wheel drive
PTO shaft speed (rpm): 540
Top speed in km/h: 25 km/h
János ifj. Szögi
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Homokháti Agrogép
József A. u. 33/b
6787 - Zákányszék
6787 - Zákányszék