Moro Aratri Spider 5M izomlazító
incl. VAT 27%
(10.000 excl. VAT 27%)
As we all can relax good!
Indeed, it is compulsory for athletes to relax.
This activity may still be recommended to horses, but I guarantee that this tool is not the tool that would hinder the tractor's horses. If you pull this, your machine will make sure that your pots are completely relaxed.
Moro Aratri Spider 5 M deepener:
Number of knives: 5 Working width: 240 cm; Working depth: 55 cm Weight: 940 kg + cylinder = 1390 kg Machine requirements: 150-200Le.
Dehumidifying unit
Indeed, it is compulsory for athletes to relax.
This activity may still be recommended to horses, but I guarantee that this tool is not the tool that would hinder the tractor's horses. If you pull this, your machine will make sure that your pots are completely relaxed.
Moro Aratri Spider 5 M deepener:
Number of knives: 5 Working width: 240 cm; Working depth: 55 cm Weight: 940 kg + cylinder = 1390 kg Machine requirements: 150-200Le.
Dehumidifying unit
Mint azt mindannyian tudjuk lazítani jó!
Sőt sportolóknak egyenesen kötelező lazítani.
Ez a tevékenység még lehet hogy a lovaknak is ajánlott lehet, de azt garantálom, hogy ez az eszköz nem az, az eszköz amivel a traktora lovai ellustulnának. Ha ezt húzza, gépe biztos megizzad majd, míg talajai teljesen ellazulnak!
Moro Aratri Spider 5 M mélylazító:
Kések száma: 5 Munkaszélesség: 240 cm; Munkamélység: 55 cm Tömeg: 940 kg + henger = 1390 kg Gépigény: 150-200Le.
Bakhátmentesítő egységgel
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New machine
Moro Aratri Spider 5M izomlazító
Working width:
250 cm
Working hours:
1 h
Year of construction:
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