Used machines ...
Claas Challenger 95E
Claas Challenger 95E wheeled tractor, 2001, 420Le, 11650 hours, Cat 6 cylinder serial engine, 18 tons self-weight, 70% strap, 25km / h full-power transmission, Zuidberg hydrulika suspension with 4 pairs of hydraulics, red license plate, Axially serviced, under roof, factory condition.
Claas Challenger 95E gumihevederes traktor, 2001, 420Le, 11650 órával, Cat 6 hengeres soros motorral, 18 tonna önsúly, 70%-os hevederrel, 25km/h-s full-power váltóval, Zuidberg hidrulika felfüggesztés 4 pár hidraulikakörrel, piros rendszám, friss műszaki, Axiál által végig szervizelt, tető alatt tárolt, gyárias állapotban eladó.
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The used tractor Claas Challenger 95E (new if there is the mark “N” or “New machine”) is for sale at!
This tractor has the power of 416 hp (306 kW) HP (Horse Power).
It has the construction year of 2001.
The used agricultural tractor Claas Challenger 95E has been in work for 11650 working hours.
This agricultural tractor Claas Challenger 95E has following equipment: 4-wheel brake, Reverse motion without pressure, Air conditioner, Air-suspended seat, Exhaust brake, Platform Cabin, Drive All-wheel drive, Top speed in km/h 30 km/h, Supercharger Turbocharger, Transmission PowerShift transmission, PTO shaft speed (rpm) 540/540E/1000/1000E
Used machine
Challenger 95E
416 hp / 306 kW
Working hours:
11650 h
Year of construction:
Condition state:
Good (condition state 2)
Front tire tread depth (%)
Rear tire tread depth (%)
Control units - DW (total)
PDF specifications
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4-wheel brake
Reverse motion without pressure
Air conditioner
Air-suspended seat
Exhaust brake
Platform: Cabin
Drive: All-wheel drive
Top speed in km/h: 30 km/h
Supercharger: Turbocharger
Transmission: PowerShift transmission
PTO shaft speed (rpm): 540/540E/1000/1000E
János István Szögi
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Homokháti Agrogép
József A. u. 33/b
6787 - Zákányszék
6787 - Zákányszék
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